getting in shape for fashion

Monthly Archives: October 2012

Current weight – 133#

Goal weight – 128#

Weight lost since last weigh in – 2.4#

Total weight lost – 25#

Weight still to lose – 5#

My weight loss goal is to lose 1.5# per week, and I’m hoping that having a weekly update will give me a good idea as to whether I’m on track with that or not.

I think,  that dieting and eating right is a lot harder when you have young kids. There are a lot of hidden temptations that wouldn’t otherwise be an issue. For instance, if my daughter doesn’t eat all of her Chick-fil-a nuggets, I have to remind myself not to finish them off (I love Chick-fil-a).

And now, it’s Halloween time. This will be the second year we’ll have taken our daughter trick-or-treating. She has a major sweet tooth, and I’ll tell you, she didn’t get that from her father. So I’ll have to watch myself and not pick at her candy this year. Grazing, and picking at food was one bad habit that I’ve had to change in this whole process, and I’m still working on it.

Just for fun, do you know how many calories are in candy bars? One Reese’s peanut butter cup has 105 calories in it. That’s just ONE, the pack of two is 210 calories. And Reese’s are my favorite. I found this website that breaks down the “fun size” Halloween candy by type, and it tells you how many calories are in ONE, yes one price of candy. Crazy right?

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe in depriving yourself, especially from chocolate. But it’s good to be aware of what your eating.

What temptations do you find in your life?

I love jeans. They are comfortable and versatile and easy to throw on and look good for almost any occasion. The problem I’ve always had with jeans though, is finding the right style, shape, and fit for my body. There are so many options; boot cut, flare, skinny, dark wash, light wash, and now colored jeans have been thrown into the mix. I feel like I’m on the constant hunt for the perfect pair of jeans, maybe that’s why I own so many…

What is your favorite style of jeans?


Current weight – 135.4#

Goal weight – 128#

Weight lost since last weigh in – 0.6#

Total weight lost – 22.6#

Weight still to lose – 7.4#

My weight loss goal is to lose 1.5# per week, and I’m hoping that having a weekly update will give me a good idea as to whether I’m on track with that or not.

This week was hard again. PMS, and a super sick baby are working against me right now. Hopefully I’ll see a bigger loss next week.

If you remember from my first weigh-in post, one of my side goals was to fit into my old jeans. I have a few pairs of ‘skinny’ jeans that I thought it would take me forever to fit into. I had been avoiding trying them on because I didn’t want the disappointment of them being too small.

So I decided to be brave and try on a pair, and guess what? They were about an inch and a half too big in the waist. This was not something I was expecting at all. I seem to have greatly underestimated how much my body would change during this process.

Now, I know some of you are thinking “and this is a problem, why?” well, because I’m not made of money. As much as I’d love to go out and buy an entirely new wardrobe, that’s not super practical. So I did what anyone does when they have a problem, and I turned to the Internet. Specifically, Pintrest. And I found this AMAZING tutorial on how to take in the waistband of your jeans. I taught myself how to sew about a year and a half ago, and have yet to attempt sewing clothing, but this tutorial is very straight forward and seemed manageable. So I put the kids to bed and began taking apart my jeans, and about two hours later, I had a pair of jeans that fit perfectly in the waist! I’m so excited to be able to extend the life of my pants, and maybe even adjust new pairs to fit better if necessary.

The weird part about this experience though, is when I saw that these jeans were to big, a small part of me thought “well, maybe I don’t need to get to my goal weight”. But I had to give myself a reality check. I set certain goals for a reason, and I’m not going to let anything get in my way. When these jeans fit me, I was by no means at a weight I was happy at. It’s all relative compared to what I weighed a few months ago, but I’m going to keep going and make it too my goal. I guess it’s just an opportunity to strengthen my sewing skills 🙂

Current weight – 136#

Goal weight – 128#

Weight lost since last weigh in – 2.2#

Total weight lost – 22#

Weight still to lose – 8#

My weight loss goal is to lose 1.5# per week, and I’m hoping that having a weekly update will give me a good idea as to whether I’m on track with that or not.

My brother has told me that most people hate leg day, but for me, I love it. It’s definitely a hard day, and I feel sore for days afterwards, but my thighs are one of my main complaint areas on my body.

For some reason, my legs get really big during my pregnancies. Okay, all of me gets really big, but my legs really do. I didn’t get stretch marks on my stomach either pregnancy, but I have them on my thighs, and even my calfs because of how big and swollen my legs get.

I’ve been too self-conscious about my legs to feel comfortable in a pair of colored pants. I feel like having colored pants would draw attention to one of the areas on my body that I’m most uncomfortable with. So this is why I like leg day. I want thinner, more toned legs, and I’m not gonna’ get ’em by skipping leg day.

Leg day benefits other parts of your body as well. My brother has told me that since your legs are the biggest muscle on your body, working them helps you burn more calories and fat. That sounds like a win-win to me.

What is your favorite/least favorite day at the gym?

I have recently re-discovered Old Navy. I never really liked their adult clothes, and would only shop there for my kids. But lately, I’ve found a ton of cute things there. Their prices are great and they offer coupons and rewards, which I love. They have some really cute work out clothes AND, they carry jewelry now too. How about that for one stop shopping?

A few of these items I own, and a few are on my wish list.

So, if you haven’t been over to Old Navy in a while, I suggest you go check them out. Pick up some cute clothes, earrings, gym clothes and some stuff for the kids. I’ll apologize to your wallets in advance.

Old Navy

Current weight – 138.2#

Goal weight – 128#

Weight lost since last weigh in – 2#

Total weight lost – 19.8#

Weight still to lose – 10.2#

My weight loss goal is to lose 1.5# per week, and I’m hoping that having a weekly update will give me a good idea as to whether I’m on track with that or not.

I almost cried when I got on the scale this morning, I was so excited. The last time I was under 140# was right before I got pregnant with my daughter, over four years ago.  This is a huge accomplishment for me and it feels great. Ten more pounds, here I come!